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[Notice] Ztree Launcher   [Humor]

By: Ian Binnie   Homepage   Sydney  
Date: Mar 21,2006 at 12:57
In Response to: [Notice] Ztree Launcher (Laurent Duchastel)

> As you discovered, a *.bte file is a BTE batch file. With BTEWin installed
> or only with BTEExec.exe with special launch parameters, you can execute a
> *.bte like any other *.bat or *.cmd file. Having an executable is
> optional. Compiling an executable is just internally a matter of copy
> bteexec.exe and appending to it the bte file in one single file.

> The ztreel.bte (or its compiled counterpart ztreel.exe) creates
> automatically the ini file if not found with default parameters.

> BTEWin is freeware and simple to learn.

The documentation is a bit overpowering, but it doesn't look too hard.

> AutoHotkey is similar (freeware
> batch language with compiling option) but I found some things easier to do
> with BTEWin than with AutoHotkey, and I find BTEWin much more easier.
> Does it work now?

I put all my parameters, but 1 in the .ini file, but if I include any in the shortcut to ZTreel.exe it locks up. I guess it is stuck in the ContinueReadSwitches loop.

/? works, so this may not be correct, it could be the %_CMDLINE in:-
ztw.exe %_CMDLINE %%Switches%% /T" %%CONSOLESTRING%%"

Don't panic about fixing it. I will probably have a go myself, if I get time.

Incidentally I was quite impressed.
I had assumed, from the earlier postings, that this was some kind of new shell.
The loader runs, but once it has launched ZTree there is no sign of it (except ZTW.EXE is not running as a process under explorer).

I am mainly using it to set environment variables. It occurs to me that it would be easy to write a dedicated launcher that would load environment variables and spawn ZTree as a Process. (But I don't want to get started on another project.)

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