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Here's another approach ... (Bookmarks)   [ZEP]

By: Bill Kingsbury       
Date: May 18,2018 at 16:35
In Response to: [ZEP] Selective Branch Collapse (Art Kocsis)

> I am sure I am not alone in having many directories with a huge
> number of sub-dirs and wanting to work with just one or two. While the
> Shft-Numpad-Minus works great to hide non-essential directories it is an
> error prone pain to apply it to hundreds of sub-folders.
> I would like to suggest an extension to the hide directory command to
> hide all directories at the current focus level EXCEPT the focus
> directory, perhaps using Alt-Shft-Minus or Cntl-Shft-Minus. This would be
> very useful as it would make it quick and convenient to collapse a large
> branch to a single sub-branch. ...

Here's another approach -- (that would also require some new programming).

1) Enter, then exit, the directories that you want to remain visible, after the "excess" directories are collapsed.

2) Then use the F5 or F6 command to collapse (hide) all sub-branches of an upper-level branch.

3) Next, use the "F11 Bookmark List" to jump to your newly-Bookmarked directories.

4) This would require a change in the behavior of "jumping" to the Bookmarked directories -- for example, by adding a "Shift" option:

In the F11 Bookmark menu, select (highlight) the target directory, and press Enter while holding down a Shift key, to execute the new behavior -- where all non-target directories and sub-directories would now remain collapsed (hidden).

5) To jump between several target directories, simply press the F11 key, select a target directory, and then press Shift-Enter.


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