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great, BMP.BAT can support unicode names and need more paths now more than ever.   [Wish]

By: Ryan       
Date: Aug 18,2017 at 08:29
In Response to: [Wish] more #ZTTools paths possible? ...battle with default programs (Ryan)

set P1=abc.exe
START "" "%P1%" %1
%1 here supports the unicode filenames and all forms of names like "Open" key.
this was so perfect. i had a doubt at the beginning, it might not do unicode names.

in ZtreeMenu
START "" "%P1%" %1
%1 here doesnt support the unicode filenames and may not sppport the ansi or oem that looks like alien symbols, very limited in ztreemenu.

why is that? BMP.BAT and ZtreeMenu, they look the same, they use the similar console lingo.

i made a ZtreeMenu that can create the needed BAT's to replace the windows shell things as below. a mass production of BAT's are on the way. all i need to feed is P1=

my c:\ztree\tools\ has about 200 files in it.
each BAT file in there comes with the ZTM file that comes with each ZLS file... and many ZLS related files also come with my own made EXE's and each exe file comes with an exe setting file INI. it is hard to put more files in there to egt them quickly.

i would really appreciate it if ztree could support multiple paths that you could name yourself.


maybe ztree would support a startup.ztw where you could write your own settings

ztw.exe startup1.ztw

ztw.exe startup2.ztw


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