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Responsive/Adaptive UI?   [Discuss]

By: Slobodan Vujnovic   Homepage   France  
Date: Jan 12,2017 at 19:36
In Response to: [Discuss] Missing commas in terabyte values (Peter Shute)

It's been at least 5 years or so that web and mobile app
developers embraced the responsive/adaptive techinques, so maybe
ZTree's UI could evolve in this direction?


I run all my ZTree sessions maximized, and I see a huge amount of white space
that could be used to widen the size and Stats columns, without sacrificing
the standard number formatting.

I suggest a cutoff screen width, say 100 columns, above which numeric
columns would gain the necessary space, and even additional columns
would be a possibility.

(I'd love to have a Day of the Week column added, for example, but,
if we keek thinking in the 25x80 XTree compatibility paradigm, we
risk keeping ZTree in the last century and auto-censoring new ideas
-- and stealth ZEPs like this one.)

On my screen, the Stats box only fills 50% of the screen height. Here too,
the vertical real estate could be put to some use -- for heights above,
say 50 rows. Below that, the display would be as before.

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