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[ZEP] Option for standards Windows times to be shown   [ZEP]

By: Peter Shute       
Date: Sep 05,2016 at 02:55
In Response to: [ZEP] Option for standards Windows times to be shown (John Leslie)

I had no idea Windows Explorer did this now, and I don't think I've ever even thought about the effect of Daylight Saving on file times.

I just made a copy of a recent file in Ztree, and used Ztree to change its date to January (when it's Daylight Saving here), but left its time as it was (3.24pm). Windows Explorer (or whatever it's called now) shows the times different by an hour in Windows 10 (4.24 and 3.24pm), but the same in XP.

So if I look at these same two files in summer, the times will still look the same as now in Windows 10 with both Ztree and Explorer?

I can see the logic in it, but I've never had a problem with it. I rarely have to look at the times on files more than a day or two after they're created or modified, I'm mostly interested in the date after that. I can see that it would be vital in some situations, and very frustrating that Ztree doesn't match.

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