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Windows 10 Command Prompt - CTRL+C and CTRL+V work. CTRL+X does a CTRL+C   [Tip]

By: Andrew Watson     Perth, Western Australia  
Date: Oct 02,2014 at 04:38
In Response to: [Tip] Whoopee Doo! CTRL+V added to Command Prompt in Windows 10 (Andrew Watson)

I have now downloaded Windows 10.

I asked for volunteers to sacrifice their PC to the greater good of me testing Windows 10. Christine said "My PC!?" and I interpreted that to mean that she was offering her PC.

It actually works very well considering that it is a 1GB 2GHz Pentium M PC. It always struggled to run Windows XP.

Even if Windows 10 hadn't worked it wouldn't have impacted Chris because I had set it up to use the leanest Linux I could find, Puppy Linux, that it boots into off a CD with HD persistence.

The first thing I did, after looking at the new Start Menu, was to open a Command Prompt and try the Copy, Cut and Paste commands.

CTRL+C and CTRL+V work. CTRL+X does a CTRL+C.

Andrew Watson

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